In Royal Revolt 2, you can find 5 different currencies.
This is the standard currency in Royal Revolt 2.
You can earn Gold:
- From Taverns
- From Chests in the Chamber of Fortune
- From Magic Chests
- By selling Items at Granny's shop
- By successfully raiding other player bases
- By trading Gems for Gold
- By trading Vouchers for Gold
- By completing Dungeon levels
You can use it for:
- Upgrading your Buildings/Troops/Spells/Waves/Blueprints
- Buying Items
- Melting down Items at the Blacksmith
- Making donations for your Alliance
- Rerolling your opponent in the Matchmaking system
This is the most valuable currency in Royal Revolt 2.
You can earn Gems:
- By purchasing one of the different Gem Packages
- From Chests in the Chamber of Fortune
- From Magic Chests
- From opponents spending Gems while they attack your base (10 Gems spent across multiple attacks will give you 1 Gems, if your Hero's level is above 25, and your Throne Room is at least level 3)
- By competing in the Leagues
- By completing Tapjoy offers or watching Fyber videos (Android and iOS)
- By completing Quests
- By completing specific Dungeon levels
You can use them for:
- Speeding up any upgrade
- Buying Workers
- Upgrading your Alliance Tower
- Buying Hero gear
- Using Scrolls in battle
- Unlocking the 3rd Unit and Spell slots
- Resurrecting your hero during a battle
- Removing a Perk on your Items
- Donations to your Alliance (Only available if you already bought Gems in the past)
- Buying landscapes
- Buying Gold Shields
- Buying a special offer
- Rerolling the selection of items at Granny's shop
This is a special currency used to improve your Kingdom.
You can earn Pearls:
- By spending Gems (3 Pearls for every 10 Gems spent)
- By melting down Items at the Blacksmith
- In the Chamber of Fortune
- In the Magic Chests
You can use them for:
- Upgrading your Items/Towers/Troops/Spells at the Blacksmith
This is the special "Friend" currency.
You can earn vouchers:
- By entering a Friendcode
- By having another player entering your friendcode
- Every time a voucherfriend levels up
- By completing Quests
- From chests in the Chamber of Fortune
- From Magic Chests
You can use them:
- In the Voucher Bazaar to buy different offers (Gems, Landscapes, Items, Workers, Slots, Gold...)
Food (Bread):
This is what allows you to play and fight against other players or in the Dungeon!
You can earn Food:
- From Farms (The Food is stored in the Silo)
- From chests in the Chamber of Fortune
- From Magic Chests
- By using Gems to refill your Silo
- By trading Vouchers for Food
- By watching Videos for food (Android and iOS)
You can use it for:
- Attacking other Players
- Entering a Dungeon level