Front of the card
There are two main types of cards: bodyguards and warlords.
Warlords, regardless of faction, have a golden background and border, while the bodyguards’ borders will vary, depending on their faction.
Deck point cost: You can view the cost of a card in the top left corner, as a number framed in a yellow circle. This determines how many, from your total usable deck points, the card costs to be introduced into your deck.
Faction allegiance: This is shown as an icon on the top of the card between the cost of the card and the card's number of wounds.
- Wounds: the amount of damage this card can take before being defeated and removed from the battlefield, shown in the top right in a red circle.
Attacks can be Ranged, Psychic, and Melee. A more detailed description of these attacks can be found here
- All cards show the image, name, and description of the 40K miniature they represent (name and the title or occupation of the unit)
- The current level and rarity of the card are presented below it.
There are four types of rarities, this indicates the chance to receive the respective type of card from Skull Packs and various Card Packs in the shop.- Grey = Common(85%)
- Blue = Rare (10%)
- Purple = Epic (4.5%)
- Orange = Legendary (0.5%)
- Owned Copies: You will see in the bottom left that you will have a card icon showing for example 7/35. This means that you have 7 copies of the respective card and you need 35 copies to upgrade it to the next level. While below this you will see the “coin” icon along with the number of coins you have and coins you need to upgrade the card. If you have 370/60 this means you have a total of 370 coins in your inventory and you need 60 coins to upgrade your card.
Back of the card
The back of the card shows the ID of the card, an identifier for it, description, level, allegiance, body type, move attributes that determine their initiative score and keywords.
The description presents a short history of the character.
The level is presented on the back of the card as well since it shows the current level and maximum reachable one for the card.
Allegiance represents the Allied faction the card belongs to.
At the start of each battle, the Initiative value(score) of each card in both decks is displayed, and the faster (higher number) deck gets to choose the first attack.
Deck initiative is the average of the initiative of all the cards in that deck.
Keywords are useful to distinguish cards and to identify them when a mission arises in the Crusades section and has a bonus rule if you use cards with the mentioned keyword. This will be later explained in the Campaign section.