Alliance Wars
Everything about Alliance Wars
- What is the Preparation Phase?
- What are the conditions for joining?
- Can an Alliance join late?
- How do I join an Alliance War?
- How long does an Alliance War/Strike last?
- How many Heroes can I take into an Alliance War?
- Can I bring Zeus and Hades?
- I seem to be missing some heroes after the War/Preparation Phase started!
- How are my Alliance’s enemies determined?
- How do Strikes work?
- How is the difficulty for each island calculated?
- Why do I get less VP if I attack an opponent I’ve already beaten?
- How does Fury work?
- What are Torches?
- Can I earn Trophies and Gold in Alliance Wars?
- What happens if a player leaves or joins an Alliance after the War has already started?
- How is the winner of an Alliance War determined?
- What rewards can you earn through Alliance Wars?